Saturday, May 26, 2012

How smart are dogs?

They are just extremely adorable.
Can't stop loving dogs :)

Friday, May 25, 2012










我喜歡,夕陽西下的陽光 J

Monday, May 21, 2012

Ashleigh and Pudsey

And so through facebook recommendations I ended up with this video:

And I got addicted definitely...and I saw more of their stunts...
Check out the Semi Finals and the full version of the Finals too :)
Simply amazing.
Yeah, I love dogs, and will never stop loving them.

Patty, I miss you a lot too.
Why didn't me and my sis train you to be someone like Pudsey when you were born? XD

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Lego Madness

And I never know that Hong Kong people can go so crazy over Lego.
It somewhat amazed me.

I saw this advert on Facebook yesterday and was struggling whether to go. Well, I would love to go as Lego is something pretty cool and I do play it a lot when I was young and well who knows I might pick up something cool and cheap through the warehouse sales and refresh my childhood memories. And the reason not to go? It's damn far away from my home and I'm a little worried that it might not turn out to be something as cool as I thought.

Still, I decided to go and I reached the venue at around 10.45am.
S>H>O>C>K>I>N>G. I'm no.693 in the line. 

 And I hear chatters around me saying that some people came to line up straight after the English Premier League match at 6am @.@ and it'll be at least another 2 hours to go at my current position. After much thinking, I stay, and chose to believe that it shouldn't take that long.

And what have I discovered?
- Almost everyone around me are super Lego fans.
- People can spend over HKD10000 on all these Lego products. (And that's the amount of cash they brought here lol as the sales only accept cash payments)
- People with large purchases needs to order a delivery van or at least need to have their own car to transport those Lego-s.
- The most popular Lego is the "Castle城堡" and the "Big Ship(?)帆船" which I have no clue at all but I keep hearing people discussing about those.

And so, just because I made all the way there and lined up for X hours, I got myself the spaceship set.... say "Yay!" to me! Haha.

[Seriously I went through a lot of drama before getting this set LOL]

Saturday, May 19, 2012

An interesting Saturday

It is always exciting to know that you have a parcel waiting for you at the post office.
And thanks to Tim, for the postcard and for the shell made bracelet. I really appreciate it and I miss you guys a lot.

It has been a long time since I last volunteered.
My last involvement was the visit (Teaching Summer Institutes) in August 2011, where I taught F2-3 students in a primary school in Yunnan English and Computer. Ahh, I still remembered times setting questions and grading students' homework at 12am in our hostel room. I remembered the Yunnan Cross-bridge Noodles (過橋米線) too. Yummy. 
And yes it has been 9 months. Amazing 9 months. 
And today, I went to SoCO Hong Kong in Sham Shui Po to facilitate tutorial sessions for kids (mainly primary school students). This session was made known to me through my company's CSR department. And I'm happy to be here. I tutored a P3 student and to me, she is damn smart. She learn English pretty quickly and Chinese idioms that I barely remember myself learning.
It was a meaningful 1.5 hour spent and I'll definitely be back again.

And next, I decided to go collect my free bicycle :)
But damn, it's raining again. I originally thought of cycling back home from Jordan (2 stations away from home) but it doesn't seem possible so I decided to carry it back home. Well, moreover it is not properly set up when I collected it. I thought it wasn't a hard job but's 15kgs and it nearly killed me while I try to carry it from the shop into the MTR and out from the MTR station and it was raining and I have to walk 20+minutes home. 

But it's a nice bicycle.
YAY! So I'll plan where to go cycle next.
 And then? After rain at 7pm....

Thursday, May 17, 2012


事情是這樣的。A客人去做facial ,無奈約的時間出了差錯要讓A白等20分鐘,B女士(facial中心工作人員)一點要道歉的意思都沒有。

B: 因為你遲到啊,頭先以為你唔黎,所以就俾左間房人地……
A: 你唔喺話7.45既咩
B: 邊有啊,我話7.30……
A: ……………………
B: 你喺唔喺做野做到遲左啦
A: 唔喺,因為你話7.45先有位
B: 喺呀但喺我話幫你安7.30可以上黎
A: 但喺你話7.30喺上黎作住先咁我不如就去食啲野
B: 哇,你塊面好污濁好污濁啊……你知唔知架。
A: 知呀
B: 下,你知架。有冇人同你講過你塊面有好多暗粒架……
A: …………
B: 有冇啊…………
A: …………
B: 哇你塊面真喺好污濁好污濁。我真喺好耐都冇見過有客好似你塊面咁污濁架啦。
A: …………
B: 你喺咪成日游水架
A: 唔喺
B: 咁你天生就咁黑架?
A: 應該喺掛
B: 好似我咁黑皮膚?你喺咪全身都好黑架?
A: ……………………唔知wo
B: 咁你平時鐘唔鍾意做戶外活動?
A: 都鐘意
B: 咁會做咩戶外活動啊
A: 行下山咯
B: 哦,姐喺放假就會行下山咁既。咁你一個月行幾次山啊?
A: …………………………
B: 你幾歲啊
A: 24
B: 你喺咪由細到大都喺生咁多毛毛家
A: 喺呀
B: 哇你個額頭好多毛毛wo。你個嘴唇上面都好多毛毛仔渦。
A: ………………
B: 因為你有咁多毛毛呢,就會令到你塊面有好多暗瘡。…………………………(接著一堆暗瘡來源的解釋)………………唔怪得啦你塊面咁污濁。你知唔知架
A: ………………
B: 你喺米野好耐啦?
A: 晏唔喺好耐姐
B: 咁喺米有一年啊?
A: 未一年
B: 你做邊行家
A: 會計
B: ……咁叻既你?你原來咁叻架?
A: ……………………都唔喺既。
B: 做會計要好叻先做到家渦
A: ……………………
B: 咁你一個月喺米有賺2萬蚊架
A: 梗喺冇啦
B: 下,你地唔系賺好多架咩?
A: 冇啊
B: 我以為你地賺好多既添。咁喺米萬幾蚊啊……
A: 喺呀
B: 我唔知呀嗎所以米問下咯。咁你不如轉過黎做美容師呀,我地都喺賺萬幾蚊一個月。哇,你地賺咁少架咋,我一定唔會俾我個女讀大學。
A: ………………………………………………………………………………
B: 其實你喺咪唔喺香港人
A: 喺呀
B: 咁你喺咩人
A: 馬來西亞人
B: 咁你喺咪mix黎架
A: 唔喺
B: ……你喺果邊住?
A: (OS: What kind of stupid question is this) 之前喺呀。
B: 你幾時過黎架
A: 三年前左右
B: 你過黎讀書?
A: 喺呀
B: 點解會撿黎香港既?你好中意香港咩?
A: 都喺黎讀書姐
B: 我去過馬來西亞一次,我去完之後真喺覺得果度好悶。去過之後我同自己講我一定唔會再去果度
A: !!!???
B: 喺真架。你以為我整估你啊。你知唔知架?
A: errr………………
B: 咁你讀完書之後就喺度做野?
A: 喺呀
B: 點解留喺香港既?
A: 都喺做野姐
B: 咁你唔諗住返去啦?
A: 都會架
B: 你自己一個人黎呀?你屋企人喺果度?
A: 喺呀
B: 咁佢地咪好掛住你咯
A: 喺呀
B: 咁你掛唔掛住佢地呀
A: 梗喺啦
B: 哈哈哈。你話梗喺添………………
A: =____________________________________=
B: 咁你覺唔覺得香港好好啊?
A: …………
B: 至少冇咁悶啦喺嘛……
A: ……………………
B: 喺唔喺呀……你唔覺得咩?
A: 屋企好啲
B: 哎呀,你塊面真喺好污濁,我一定要幫你整一整啊。你呢啲毛毛咧,有冇人同你講過架?
A: ………… (lazy mode)
B: 下,你知唔知架?
A: 知呀
B: 咁喺啲朋友同你講要整走佢?
A: 唔喺,都喺知有姐
B: 咁你自己識唔識點樣整走佢
A: 唔識
B: XXXX (極力推薦product中,around 4 minutes
A: …………………… (sleepy mode, wanna shut her up mode)
B: 但喺你喺咪都會嫌貴呀
B: 有冇話一個月可以俾幾錢做美容
B: 一個月幾百蚊都唔得?
A: 唔得
B: 譬如話,一個月300蚊咧?你覺得貴?
B: 200幾呢?
A: 都貴
B: 百幾蚊都唔得?
A: 唔得
B: 你駛唔駛俾家用
B: 咁你宜家自己一個人住?
A: friend一起
B: 幾多個人
A: 3
B: 咁你租喺米好貴
A: 喺呀
B: 你租邊度
A: 旺角
B: 旺角租都貴?一個月幾錢租?
A: 9千一萬度啦
B: 哇咁米一人要3000幾蚊?
A: …………
B: 勿怪之得啦。你一個月賺78千蚊咁少,應該都唔捨得買療程去毛毛啦
A: 喺呀
B: 你快啲賺多啲錢啦,做多啲part time
A: …………………………
B: 你咁樣落去唔得架。你其實都想改善架啦喺嘛?
A: …………
B: 喺唔喺架?
A: 冇諗過
B: 你喺咪有時聽唔到我講咩架
A: ……
B: 聽唔明喺嗎?
A: err………………OS: 唔想理你姐=.=
B: 你地講英文喺米好叻架
A: ok
B: 喺咩?你地唔喺都喺講英文架咩?
A: 都唔喺架
B: 咁你平時講咩啊
A: 睇情況啦
B: 哈哈。咁同屋企人咧?
A: 普通話咯
B: 真喺??馬來西亞人都識講普通話架咩?
A: 唔喺既
B: 咁你喺邊度學家?
A: 學校咯……
B: ……咁所以你聽普通話反而就好啲?
A: …………
以上就是不只可笑也很膚淺的對話。當然,認識我的話當然知道那個很無奈的A君就是本人。之後其實還有一些無奈插曲但我不想說了。寫到這裡都已經是MS Word第七面了,全都發生在少過1小時以內。



Saturday, May 5, 2012

And the first Saturday of May...

(And I realized that I have not been blogging much about my life in the year of 2012, but instead posted lotsa Mayday videos *winks*)
Supposed to be studying. Supposed. (okay who knows if it might or might not happen? LOLs)

It's Vesak Day in Malaysia. But Buddha's birthday in HK was last Saturday. Why such difference I have no idea. Wanted to go to a temple this morning but the weather wasn't good. Weird rain happening these days and it could get pretty annoying. Went out for facial appointment. And once again, another rather disappointing service experienced in this region.

People here are just too motivated for money, instead of satisfaction through happiness. 
Words couldn't simply describe it all, and I just felt so ....("XXXX"?) about it.

Saw a golden retriever on the streets. I so wana have a dog or at least Patty by me.
LOL Obviously this is no Golden Retriever....but a Huski equally adorable. MISSSS DOGSSS.
Gosh I have soooo much to do and time is just never enough. Weeeeeeekends are too short. Just too short for me to organize my photos from the Japan trip, upload photos from my company's annual dinner, recalculate expenses for the Japan trip, study, blog, house chores, get some nice sleep, write letters to the kids I met last summer etc etc etc etc etc.

Friday, May 4, 2012






Tuesday, May 1, 2012







五月來了。五月天,也快來了 :)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Major minor updates

And so when I come back to blog, the whole interface of blogger changed. Just like Facebook, and everything else perhaps. Why could things just change so quickly in these days.....and I wonder.
How long has it been...since I last flew a kite?
Hmm. Has life been good?
"Ma ma dei lar..."--that's how "so so" is represented in Canto.
I can't believe that I have worked for 7 months! Well perhaps 6 months as there were quite sometime in the middle where I spent on studying, exams and some holidays [Yes people I just went to amazing Japan wohooo....].

And I am still considering whether this is the career path that I would like to carry on and work on with. Well, to be more precise, when will I actually know? Ah....perhaps till the day when I really have to shout "Stop!".

Winter is finally over (well I mean since beginning of April, and not that I don't like winter why did I use the word finally over there....), and there has been quite a lot of rainy days lately. Rain makes people moody on the streets as umbrellas bang each other and water sprints over everywhere, ooh, that definitely includes me. Makes me so wana go home and drive lol. Spoiled. 

It's Bersih 3.0 today everywhere across the globe I heard?

Yah, just some updates and random thoughts before I go to bed.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A couple of shouts.

A couple of funny/interesting things that happened this week that I would like to share....

1) The Bank of China issued 2 million commemorative notes in Hong Kong in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of BOC. And people went up for grabs like crazy. The lines were crazy, people line up for 10 hours to buy the notes. The 2nd hand prices were super crazy too. It was sold at HKD150 from the banks and it was valued at around RMB800 in the market. Wohoo....good profit made me felt like buying too. They call those "middle-men" trying to make profits the "yellow-cow"s. LOL.

2) There's this interesting ceremony called the "borrow money from guan-yim" ceremony which happened on Fri, 17th Feb. People starting queuing up since the night before at places that are near to guan yim temples, including the football court just beside the building I live in, and the queue was there all day in it was still there when I came back from work at 8pm. It's amazing to see how Hong Kong people are so into this tradition ....I guess it "works" in some way and that's why people are still following it.

3) The debate. Most Malaysian Chinese would know what I'm talking about hehe. Yeah....and facebook is truly "scary" and videos and pages and sites and comments and more sharing are everyone within just a couple of hours after the debate. And the focus of the debate would be lady of MCA Selayang, and now better known as the parking lady, or "kak tunda" in Malay. Hmm...and you could look the whole debate if you're interested. 

Friday, February 3, 2012



Saturday, January 14, 2012



那個…………看五月天所有十二月份所上過的通告。(爲什麽不在12月的時候看呢?呃,可惡的考試害的。還有,在馬來西亞只有narrowband沒有寬頻所以根本無法正常的stream 視頻)


五月天或許容易破音倒嗓 但吸引歌迷的是
你相信十幾年的友誼不會變質 相信單純愛唱歌可以有影響力 相信傻傻的做憨人也有幸運
因為他們平凡 所以相信了平凡也能快樂

曾經燦爛 曾經沸騰 就不會有悔恨
即使化成無名煙塵 在故事的尾聲 --陳信宏



2011/12/15() 18:00 三立完全娛樂live
2011/12/15() 22:00 中天綜合 康熙來了
2011/12/21() 23:00中天綜合 大學生了沒
2011/12/22() 18:00 八大娛樂百分百
2011/12/22() 23:00 三立都會台 國光幫幫忙
2011/12/23() 21:00 中天綜合台 小燕之夜
2011/12/25() 16:00 年代新聞台 藝響年代
2011/12/25() 20:00 TVBS 看板人物
2011/12/31() 09:00 紀錄台灣

